Studio health protocols in response to COVID-19
As of March 11, 2022, masks are not required.
As of Friday April 8, 2022, Proof of vaccination is not required.
2022 Apr. 6
In alignment with BC Health, this document details required physical distancing and hygiene protocols for users of Dance Victoria Studios (DVS) as of Apr. 08, 2022. Please know that Dance Victoria follows the direction of BC Health. This document will be updated to reflect new BC Health announcements.
For your participants to know before arriving at DVS:
- All participants are encouraged to bring personal hand sanitizer to DVS.
- No one will be admitted to DVS if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms such as elevated temperature, sneezing, coughing, runny nose.
- Participants may wear masks, if they choose.
Instructor/director responsibilities:
- Studio capacities have resumed to normal: Shaw Studio: 30, Vernon Studio: 30, Milne Studio: 20. Type of studio activity will also impact the number of allowed participants.
- Instructors are encouraged to leave the studio doors open when possible.
- Instructors/directors will ensure each participant has read, and agrees to comply with, these new protocols.
- Instructors/directors must arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled class/rehearsal in order to wipe down “high-touch surfaces” in their studio (sound equipment buttons, light switches, studio doors – inside & out, thermostat). Each instructor/director will also be responsible for wiping down all high-touch surfaces at the conclusion of their rental block. *Spray and wipes will be provided by Dance Victoria in each studio.
Please note:
This document is current as of Apr. 06, 2022, however we expect to make updates in the coming weeks as BC Health details are made available.
If you have questions that are not addressed in this document, please contact us at [email protected].
It is your responsibility, the renter “licensee” or user, to abide by and communicate these protocols to your participants and to ensure that they are being observed. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in the immediate revocation of rental privileges. If these protocols are disregarded by your participants, it is your responsibility to communicate your concerns and, if necessary, ban these participants from future classes or rehearsals. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of your rental privileges. Full communication and monitoring are paramount. Dance Victoria must be assured that all users of DVS are acting responsibly.