Bygones: Optical Illusions, Cutting-Edge Choreography & Cinematic Elements Keep Audience in Suspense

Out Innerspace Dance Theatre, January 13, 2023, 7:30 pm – ONE NIGHT ONLY!

Bygones by Out Innerspace Dance Theatre. Dancers: Tiffany Tregarthen, Renee Sigouin. Photo: Alistair Maitland Photography
Bygones by Out Innerspace Dance Theatre. Dancers: Tiffany Tregarthen, Renee Sigouin. Photo: Alistair Maitland Photography

Dance Victoria, presents the multimedia work, Bygones, by Vancouver-based contemporary dance company Out Innerspace Dance Theatre on January 13, 2023, at the McPherson Playhouse.

Kicking off Greater Victoria’s 10-day Dance Days festival, Bygones immerses us in a haunting, supernatural world of pseudo-things, keeping audiences on the edge of their seat. A teacup scoots around a table all on its own; dancers appear mid-air, falling; an umbrella stalks a dancer around the stage…inanimate objects seem to have a will of their own. The plotless, 70-minute work creates visual magic as objects, dancers, and scenes seem to exist on the margins of form and formlessness.

Bygones uses projected light to create “walls” that bodies pass through, and where bodies contort and fall through space. Company founders David Raymond and Tiffany Tregarthen collaborated with dancers Renée Sigouin, Elya Grant and David Harvey to create the choreography.The title is inspired by the phrase ‘let bygones be bygones.”  According to Tregarthen,the work explores “how allowing things to be, however terrible or unwanted they might be in the moment, can be a thing to celebrate.” Bygones reflects a time of rapid change, of ever-shifting boundaries, and of conflict and hope. It considers how we are shaped by what we have overcome, and how something challenging can lead to something beautiful.

Out Innerspace Dance Theatre has dedicated over 10 years to creating abstract, visceral, challenging work. Raymond and Tregarthen have seen their performance careers soar as standout talents in Kidd Pivot, the company behind Crystal Pite’s international sensations Betroffenheit and Revisor. They run a successful pre-professional dance training school called Modus Operandi, all while creating ambitiously cinematic feeling works that have toured internationally with companies like Ballet BC (Canada), Netherlands Dance Theatre 2, Hessisches Staats Ballett (Germany) and LUCODA Collective (Luxembourg).

Tregarthen and Raymond, notorious cinephiles, admire old films like Andrei Tarkovsky and Béla Tarr, especially the lighting design. Exploring these ideas, they asked long-time collaborator, lighting designer James Proudfoot, to add more complexity to the illumination and shifting darkness. They also engaged multimedia sculptor Lyle Reimer (better known to his 150,000 Instagram followers as Lyle XOX, right before the Vancouverite hit celebrity status in New York City’s fashion scene) to create a mixed media mask, gloves, and other costume elements.

Dance Victoria is a co-commissioner of Bygones through the Chrystal Dance Fund. Bygones premiered at Bulgaria’s One Dance Week festival, followed by performances in Germany, Quebec, and Vancouver. January 2023 will be its premiere in Victoria.

Out Innerspace Dance Theatre


Friday + Saturday, November 18 + 19, 7:30 pm
McPherson Playhouse

Note: Bygones contains strobe lighting, sudden sound effects and haze.

Out Innerspace is doing some of the city’s most exciting, ambitious dance-theatre work right now, and the trip they’re offering is a rush—even if you don’t trust your eyes.


How to Buy

Phone: The Royal and McPherson Box Office at 250-386-6121 or toll-free 1-888-717-6121.
In person: The McPherson Box Office is open Monday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm for in-person transactions.
Visit the Royal and McPherson Theatres website for current Box Office hours.

*Performances of Bygones are at the McPherson Playhouse.

About Dance Victoria

Dance Victoria brings the World’s Best Dance to the Royal Theatre and supports the development of new dance for the international stage from its studios in Quadra Village. As a non-profit charitable society, Dance Victoria operates with the mission to promote the appreciation of dance by developing and presenting diverse local, Canadian, and international artists, and by engaging the community in the celebration of dance.

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Media Contact

Tracy Smith
Marketing Manager, Dance Victoria
[email protected]

Downloadable PDF media release here.